Daryn Mae Blog

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Flower Power

I took a little trip with my sweet friend down to the Arizona Flower Market in search of possible wedding floral options. 

I've always wanted to design my own wedding bouquet, and that's really what I've centered my whole wedding on...my floral options. SO- I wanted to be able to design and arrange it prior to the wedding so I have a basic idea of what I'm doing because I'm a total newbie at any sort of floral arranging...it's way harder than it looks. Props to any flower artists out there.

I was super happy with the experience overall- everyone was super friendly, and the shop was inviting with lots of options. One of the employees made sure we had a price sheet with all their options laid out with prices per bunch. I don't have anything to compare prices too, but they seemed decent. The average cost per bunch of my selections was around $7.50. The bunches we a good size too.

As soon as I got home I busted the box out and started playing around with all the greenery I chose. After messing around a bit, I designed this dream bouquet of mine and I'm obsessed. I hope that I can design it very similarly again for my special day at the end of the month. I'm totally in love with this eucalyptus combo and it smells incredible too. BONUS!


PS. Be sure to dress for freeeeeeezing temps if you visit the flower market. (Very Brrrrr.)

See this gallery in the original post